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World Class Filtration Solutions

Waste Packaging and Storage

Porvair Filtration Group actively supports the nuclear waste treatment and storage industry. As processes are developed to deal with legacy wastes and legislation is introduced to define storage conditions, we are at the forefront of developing novel solutions to meet increasingly complex filtration problems through our extensive research programme. 

Vent breathers

Using a range of metallic filter media in a variety of metal types, Porvair is able to supply waste package breathers that are precisely tailored to the individual needs of any application.

Available with defined separation efficiencies, gas diffusion and flow/∆P characteristics.

Specially designed vent breathers supplied to nuclear storage users include:

  • HEPA (THE) grade shielded vent breathers for spent fuel drying and storage
  • WIPP compliant TrU waste package vent breathers
  • 500 litre drum breathers
  • 3m^3 box breathers.

In addition, we are working with the nuclear industry to improve the efficiency, safety and cleanliness of cementation, vitrification and disposal technologies including: 

  • Drum filling, cement dust collection pulsed jet system
  • Vitrification plant, high temperature, pour and drain vent filters
  • Bulk vitrification pre-treatment evaporator filter systems.
Nuclear Elements Porvair
Septa Nuclear Porvair
Nuclear Breather Porvair



